Hedgerow tree packs
IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to current growing conditions, some of the species in this pack is smaller than we would usually like. The Hawthorn saplings are currently around 10cm, although they are healthy and we anticipate they will flourish in the next few months.
Hedgerows make landscapes more permeable and habitable for wildlife. They create pathways for wildlife to move along and live within that are invaluable for maintaining and increasing biodiversity. These packs are subsidised (part-funded) by our partners* to help you plant more hedgerows.
Made up of saplings approximately 20-60cm in height (depending upon species), these packs create shrubby hedgerows along with a species of your choice to grow up through the main hedgerow. These trees provide height at intervals along the hedging and significantly increase the biodiversity and habitat benefits of the hedgerow.
These packs are available in three mix options: traditional, uplands and horse and livestock mix.
- Traditional mix: hawthorn, blackthorn, hazel, crab apple and elder (for hedges over 20m)
- Uplands mix: hawthorn, hazel, holly, dog rose and crab apple (for hedges over 20m)
- Horse and livestock mix: hawthorn, dog rose, hazel and elder (for hedges over 20m)
birch, hornbeam and wild cherry. Please note that sessile oak and wild cherry can be toxic to livestock, please bear this in mind when picking your tree species.
Our hedgerow lengths are estimated based upon planting 4-5 saplings per metre so final length may differ.
You can choose whether you want to purchase tree protection alongside your saplings or not. Please consider whether your saplings need protection, particularly from browsing mammals.
- No tree protection – your order will contain saplings, but no tree protection. We would suggest this option if your saplings are unlikely to be affected by browsing mammals of any size, or if you have plans for alternative tree protection e.g., browsing reduction, fencing.
- Tubes and easywrap mix – your order will contain saplings, easywrap and canes for shrubs and tubes and stakes for grow-through trees. This option provides protection from small mammals e.g. voles.
- Tubes and stakes for trees only - your order will contain saplings as well as tubes and stakes protection for your grow-through trees. This option provides protection from small and large mammals on the trees but no protection for the shrub species. The tubes will promote quicker upwards growth in comparison to the shrubs and will help you identify the grow-through trees when considering cutting your hedge in a few years’ time.
Estimated full-grown height:
Hawthorn: 15m. Blackthorn: 6-7m. Hazel: +10m. Crab apple: 7-9m. Elder: 10m+. Dogwood: 10m. Holly: 15m. Dog rose: 1.5m. Sessile oak: 20-40m. Silver birch: 20-30m. Wild cherry: 18-25m. Hornbeam: 30m. Goat willow: 6-10m.
Purchase size and growth:
These trees are cell-grown saplings, ranging from approximately 15cm-60cm in height. Cell grown trees can be planted all year round in most situations as long as they are given the correct care. Please be aware that depending upon the time of year you receive your sapling (particularly early spring) it may not look very perky upon arrival. Please do not worry as once it has been planted it should pick up quickly.
UK and Ireland Sourced and Grown (UKISG):
Every sapling that we provide is sourced and grown in the UK and Ireland to minimise the risk of importing and spreading tree pests and diseases. Seeds are collected and stored in the UK and Ireland and are all coded and batched so that we can track each individual tree.
More information about the trees in these packs can be found here.
* Thanks to generous support from our partners, you will only pay 50% of the cost of these packs
The images in this product listing show the saplings bundled and wrapped. This plastic wrap is made from LDPE (low-density polyethylene) and is 100% recyclable, we encourage users to recycle them when you are ready to plant your trees.