Year round colour tree pack
IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to current growing conditions, the Hawthorn in this pack is smaller than we would usually like. The Hawthorn saplings are currently around 10cm, although they are healthy and we anticipate they will flourish in the next few months.
Stay on trend with this season’s colours. Enjoy beautiful cherry blossoms from April to May and bright berries from July to November. Watch the leaves change from vivid greens through to golden hues and into gorgeous russet tones. This pack contains a mixture of hawthorn, silver birch, rowan, wild cherry and dogwood tree, each bringing their own unique hue.
- Pack of 105 - 15 x Hawthorn, 15 x Silver Birch, 15 x Hazel, 30 x Rowan, 15 x Dogwood and 15 x Wild Cherry
- Pack of 420 - 60 x Hawthorn, 60 x Silver Birch, 60 x Hazel, 120 x Rowan, 60 x Dogwood and 60 x Wild Cherry.
Hazel trees grow clusters of hanging yellow catkins which transform into delicious nuts.
Silver birch bares a distinctive silvery-white peeling bark. Catkins hang from spring to autumn and its trinangular shaped leaves turn golden before dropping in autumn.
Hawthorn flowers can be striking white, a gentle pink or sometimes red and develop into vibrant oval berries. These fruits provide food for many small birds and insects.
Rowan’s creamy-white flowers develop into striking scarlet berries in the autumn.
Dogwood produces clusters of creamy-white flowers which evolve into small black berries.
Wild cherry displays beautiful clouds of blossom in spring (sometimes referred to as cherry blossom) and its bright summer fruits bring a splash of vivid colour.
Estimate full grown height:
Hawthorn: 15m, Silver birch: 15-20m, Hazel 10m+, Rowan: 8-15m, Wild cherry: 18-25m, and Dogwood: 10m.
Purchase size and growth:
Due to current growing conditions some species in this pack may be shorter than we usually expect and fall outside of approximations given.
These trees are cell-grown saplings, ranging from approximately 15cm-60cm in height. Cell grown trees can be planted all year round in most situations as long as they are given the correct care. Please be aware that depending upon the time of year you receive your sapling (particularly early spring) it may not look very perky upon arrival, please do not worry once it has been planted it should pick up quickly.
UK and Ireland Sourced and Grown (UKISG):
Every sapling that we provide is UK and Ireland sourced and grown to minimise the risk of importing and spreading tree pests and diseases. Seeds are collected and stored in the UK and Ireland, and they are all coded and batched so that we can track each individual tree.
More information about the trees in this mix is available here.
The images in this product listing show the saplings bundled and wrapped. This plastic wrap is made from LDPE (low-density polyethylene) and is 100% recyclable, we encourage users to recycle them when you are ready to plant your trees.