Winter wildlife

Woodlands are wonderful – and not just for people. The UK’s charismatic creatures depend on woodland to survive. With your help we can plant more trees and create a winter wonderland for wildlife.

Many mammals brave the cold and compete for food during the mating season. The flash of a red squirrel leaping from branch to branch is an unforgettable, but increasingly rare sight. Foxes don’t live in dens until springtime when they raise their pups – they sleep beneath the stars during winter. Hibernators like hedgehogs and frogs find an underground tunnel, leaf litter or log pile to rest in.

Each virtual gift is available as either a postal gift to be personalised at home or an email version. Please see below for further details.

The funds raised from this product will go towards helping to create, restore and protect native UK woodland.


Winter wildlife - postal

The postal gift includes a certificate to be personalised at home, attractive gift card and envelope.

Winter wildlife - email

For instant delivery you can send a personalised downloadable certificate by email, directly to your own email address or someone else's.


Please ensure the details provided for the certificate are correct.

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Woodlands are wonderful – and not just for people. The UK’s charismatic creatures depend on woodland to survive. With your help we can plant more trees and create a winter wonderland for wildlife.

Many mammals brave the cold and compete for food during the mating season. The flash of a red squirrel leaping from branch to branch is an unforgettable, but increasingly rare sight. Foxes don’t live in dens until springtime when they raise their pups – they sleep beneath the stars during winter. Hibernators like hedgehogs and frogs find an underground tunnel, leaf litter or log pile to rest in.

Each virtual gift is available as either a postal gift to be personalised at home or an email version. Please see below for further details.

The funds raised from this product will go towards helping to create, restore and protect native UK woodland.