Viburnum lantana
An ornamental shrub with pretty white flowers in late spring followed by berries that turn from red to black. Ideal for hedges, borders and screening..
Wayfaring estimated full grown height:
5 metres, growing an estimated 20-40cm each year.
Purchase size and growth:
These trees are cell-grown saplings, ranging from approximately 15cm-60cm in height. Cell grown trees can be planted all year round in most situations as long as they are given the correct care. Please be aware that depending upon the time of year you receive your sapling (particularly early spring) it may not look very perky upon arrival, please do not worry once it has been planted it should pick up quickly.
Value to wildlife:
Birds eat the berries and hoverflies feed on the nectar. The larvae of several moth species feed on the leaves.
Wayfaring preferred soil type or environmental conditions:
A hardy species that grows in most conditions and well-drained soils.
UK and Ireland Sourced and Grown (UKISG):
Every sapling that we provide is UK and Ireland sourced and grown to minimise the risk of importing and spreading tree pests and diseases. Seeds are collected and stored in the UK and Ireland, and they are all coded and batched so that we can track each individual tree.
Learn more about this species on our wayfaring profile.